There was a time when any strategies to encourage your readers to share your content with others were very limited indeed. That usually meant extremely slow growth of website traffic. Not anymore. Today we have social networking sites and a host of other tools that make it very easy to give incentives to your readers to share your content at all times.
The advantages of getting people to share your content with their friends and relatives is rather obvious. The viral effect alone can very easily spin beautifully out of control and give you millions of hits in an instant. Even as you read this, there are sites that have grown from a handful of visitors to tons of traffic all in a flash and it is thanks mainly to some article or content that just went virally out of control spreading across the World Wide Web like wild fire.
It is so easy to share content through social media
Currently one of the most effective strategies to encourage your readers to share your content with others involves linking your website or blog to your social networking site so that when somebody leaves a comment it is immediately visible on social media. Chances are high that a fair number of those who see the status update and end up taking a look at your content will also leave a comment and in the same way it will get seen by many others. This is a very simple and yet extremely effective way of getting your readers to share your content with ease.
However there are a few very important things you need to put into place for this to work well for you. To start with the social networking site account that you will link to your website content needs to be positioned in such a way that followers and friends to that account are already expectant of the kind of information that you will be sharing. It will not be as effective if a social media account that is known for being strongly pro-abortion for instance suddenly being linked to rabidly anti-abortion sites and articles. You will just confuse your readers and all likelihood lose them. You may need to open a separate account from your usual one and build up the desired image so that you also attract your highly targeted audience.
A Facebook Page Can Be Powerful
You can also create a Facebook page for your website and share regular updates based on the content on your site. One huge advantage of a fan page is that it does not limit you to the number of members you may accumulate. A Facebook account has a limit of 5,000 friends but a Facebook page can have millions of fans and still growing. Imagine the kind of impact every time you share a status on your millions-strong fan page about the latest article you have posted?
Using the strategies to encourage your readers to share your content with others that have been listed here, you will quickly notice the impact it has bringing in multitudes who would have otherwise had no way of finding your site.
Guest post by Ludwing Hernandez, young web entreprenuer, great writter about work at home techniques.