A common question asked within small businesses is exactly how expensive is ppc marketing and can my business afford PPC marketing? PPC or Pay Per Click marketing is a form of advertising where advertisements are placed at the top of search engines for keyword terms that someone types in. For example, if someone typed in google or another search engineĀ “buy ink cartridges” you could have your website or business at the top of the results page. Every time someone clicks on your advertisement, you will be charged a fee, hence the name pay per click marketing.
How Expensive is PPC Marketing?
There is no exact answer the the above question of exactly how expensive is ppc marketing and many factors affect PPC marketing. For example, depending on the competitiveness of the business field you are in will heavily affect how expensive your PPC campaign happens to be. For example, if you are in the financial field and are targeting keywords such as loans and business loans, these keywords can cost up to several dollars a click. For other keyword terms, the exact amount of how much each click costs could only be $.01.
Average PPC Costs
According to a recent benchmark, the average cost per click is roughly $1.24.
How To Budget Your PPC Campaigns
If each time you send a visitor to your site at $1.24 per click, it will cost $124 to send 100 visitors. This may seem like a large amount of money, but you must factor in that these potential customers are extremely targeted and are actively seeking out your product or service. If your average order is $50, it would only take 3 visitors out of 100 or 3% conversion rate to make a profit of $26. At a 10% conversion rate, which is no unheard of, the net profit is much higher.
If you are thinking about setting up a PPC marketing campaign, Zuwengo Media can help when it comes to the keyword research, budgeting, and any other questions you may have.