This Guest Post was provided by Leaflet Distribution Company on the importance of Social Media Marketing.
Before you get to grips with social media marketing there are a couple of key phrases that you need to get your head around first.
- Thought Leadership: This entails using the expert knowledge within an industry to gain insight and understanding into customer expectations.
- Brand Awareness: how much a consumer knows about a particular brands existence.
Using Social Media to Optimize Growth and Awareness
There are generally four phases involved in making the decision to buy something. These are:
- Awareness – the realization that the product exists.
- Interest – the product captures the attention.
- Desire – the need to obtain the product.
- Action – the process of obtaining the product.
With the correct application social media can be utilised to optimise all of these stages. Through social media marketing it is possible to greatly increase brand awareness and increase the levels of interest in the product. It is during these early stages of the buying process that the social media can be used to reinforce the company image as being that of a caring and responsible company, a company which understands the needs and concerns of the consumer and build up confidence towards increasing the desire which leads to action. When considering the role of thought leadership in social media what you are looking at is using information gained to lay the foundations for a successful building of the brand which will later increase levels of consumer awareness.
Inbound Marketing
You may be wondering how social media can help your inbound marketing strategy. But what social media does is bring your business out of relative obscurity and proceeds to lay out all of the visions and ethos of the company for all to see. Through social media you can begin to develop content marketing, making your social media sites engaging by the use of shared content pertinent to the business, aimed at building awareness, interest and desire. Best of all you are able to monitor the attention that your social media site generates and can examine your audience demographic closely so that future updates and information can be better targeted at turning your interested audience into active consumers.
How Does Generating Awareness Work?
Wherever you are posting details and information relating to your company and its products you are generating awareness of your brand. You are giving your business a presence in the social media online communities. The more useful, engaging and pertinent information that you post the more attention your audience will pay to you and the more interest it will generate in your brand, and the larger your threshold demographic will be. With a greater brand awareness you can start focusing on turning your audience into customers by highlighting why your products or services are so good, how they compare to other such items in the marketplace, or why they need to have something you have produced in their homes. You are making a connection with people and it is down to you to convince them that you have something that they need.
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