It’s always hard to generate good leads, but if you harness the power of voice broadcasting, prospects will be calling you instead of it being the other way around. Voice broadcasting (VB) is the delivery of a pre-recorded vocal message to a person, answering machine or voicemail box, and it’s a very cost-efficient way to keep in touch with your current and potential customers as well as your employees.
Other marketing methods are more widely used at times, but there’s mounting evidence which shows that voice broadcasting offers up to three times the response rate of other marketing methods. Using VB to reach customers can help boost sales, create leads and increase message delivery rates. Below are some tips on helping your business generate leads with voice broadcasting.
Determine Your Target Audience
Before you can put your VB campaign into place, you need to decide which segment of the market you’re pursuing. Your goal should be to connect with businesses and people who have a need for what you’re selling.
The more narrow your audience, the more effective your message will be. Phone lead generation allows you to choose your target market and customize a message, increasing the chances that you’ll get their attention and keep it.
Creating that Personalized Message
Voice messages are all 30 seconds or less, so you’ll need to work quickly to get the attention of your audience. To get them listening to you, you’ll need to be unique but clear and concise in your approach. Practice reading it a few times before you record it; it should sound as if you’re talking to someone and not reading from a script. Speak confidently, but don’t be overly enthusiastic—you’re striving to generate just enough interest so that customers will start asking questions.
Give them Time to Respond
Allowing message recipients to interact with your voice message is a good way to keep them engaged with you. Consider adding a choice to connect to a customer service agent; button-press choices work well in generating leads, clearing up misunderstandings or rescheduling appointments. Alternatively, you could leave a call-back number.
Most large companies have reception staff that screen incoming calls and voicemails. They may just disregard your offer, meaning that the boss never gets it. If you have the company owner’s direct number, that’s great, but if you don’t, you’ll need to make your message memorable enough so that it gets passed on to those in charge.
Follow Up
Once you’ve successfully generated leads with VB, you’ll need a follow-up strategy in order to deal with them. Key-press menus help your campaign route message recipients to the right part of your company’s customer service team.
The article was written by Crispin Jones on behalf of Collstream, providers of inbound and outbound message services. Connect with Collstream on Google+