Check out any other leading expert in your area of expertise and you’ll likely find that they have an active presence on one or more social media channels. But between Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ (the big five), you don’t know where to start—and you don’t have the time to give the needed attention to every platform. Which one is right for you? Find out where your target audience is spending their time and focus your efforts there. Facebook offers the most robust tools for business marketing, including its widely used Pages feature. Pages can act like a mini-Website for your business, thanks to the ability to use HTML coding for total customization. Google+ hasn’t caught up to Facebook just yet in terms of users, but it offers some unique features, like Hangouts and Circles, that provide a more specific way to interact with your audience. LinkedIn is best known for its Answers feature, where users can ask and answer questions relevant to their industries and knowledge bases. Twitter is also designed for conversations, although you’re limited to 140 characters per Tweet. To find out how you can use each platform to showcase your expertise, check out the infographic below.
This infographic was created by Zintro, a network of experts. Find Zintro experts by industry sector here: