Web design has changed considerably since it’s early days, no longer is designing and building a web page the sole domain of the professional designer. These days anyone with a little bit of computer knowledge and imagination can throw a website together. The area that has seen the most change is the way that the internet can now be viewed. In the beginning, the internet was only accessible on a handful of computers now it is available on just about every electronic device related to the communications industry. One of the biggest changes in recent years has been the development and roll out of the Apple iPad. The iPad is now into its fourth generation of devices but its launch changed the way that webpages of the future would be designed.
Good Design Never Fails
The foundations of what makes design good will remain good no matter what, and will adapt to whichever device they are viewed on. Good design can stand the changes that the advances in technology brings. Good design has elements that can be adapted to meet the needs of the different kinds of devices, aspects like balance, emphasis and contrast can be scaled up or down depending on the screen size and resolution of a device without the quality and readability of the graphics being affected. Despite the many different screen sizes and resolutions that are currently in use the importance of keeping things like colour schemes and font types standard is still of vital importance.
This Way Up
Designers need to ensure that the web designs that they come up with can take the transformation from portrait to landscape with ease. Modern hand held devices give the user the opportunity use view the screen any way they like, they can even zoon in or out of the picture so the graphics need to be able to cope. Most websites are created with a landscape view in mind. In order to be able to be viewed in either orientation there are generally a couple of versions of the page made. This involves a little tweaking of the CSS for the page so that it can easily adapt to the change in orientation, and also to the different screen configurations of the different devices.
Traditional web pages were designed with an invisible fold. The fold refers to the amount of the page that could be seen on the screed without the user needing to scroll down. The fold would be at the bottom of the screen. With the way that viewers like the iPad show the pages now there is no need for the fold to be incorporated at all. Often now the whole screen can be viewed in one screenshot, with nothing hidden from view. Pages now need to have a flow and not be broken into segments and frames as they were in the past. Webpages are now being designed to be much more cleaner in style and flow than they ever were so that they can be truly accessible on all devices.
Are you trying to find a suitable web design professional in Warrington? Visit It’seeze Warrington now for more information.