If you are involved in online advertising, you know all about targeted advertising. This process essentially targets specific demographics and attempts to get your message to these people. Today, however, the world of online advertising has moved even further, as behavioral targeted is taking over the advertising world. This process tracks an individual’s online habits and advertises based on this browsing history. Therefore, if you sell diamond rings on your website and a particular user is looking for an engagement ring, there is a good chance that this person will come across one of your advertisements.
Everybody Wins
Of course, Google Adwords has a hand in all of this, as the program puts these targeted advertisements out there for the people to see. This is good news because Google Adwords has the ability to reach almost anyone with targeted advertisements, which is a positive for both parties. The advertiser enjoys this service because it can create sales very easily. The consumer also enjoys this service, since it provides him or her with additional places to search for the perfect ring. You must make sure, however, that you have a strategy going into this form of online marketing, so that you do not annoy a potential customer.
One problem that marketers run into with behavioral online advertising is retargeted advertising. For example, if a customer researches engagement rings online, his computer will store this information, allowing you to target him with advertisements. If he chooses to purchase this ring elsewhere, however, there is no need for your advertisement to reach him anymore. Unfortunately, there is no way for the marketing mechanism to know that he has already made this purchase, except for the fact that he will not search for these rings anymore.
If the buyer decides to propose at a later date, but wants to purchase some other jewelry for this girlfriend instead, he will not want to be bombarded with engagement ring advertising. As a result, it is a good idea to diversify your advertising with a few different items in the same class of product. If someone has search for engagement rings, it is fine to target some engagement ring online advertising towards that person, but you should also include advertising for earrings and necklaces, just to mix things up.
Develop a Strategy
While the afore mentioned scenario might never happen to you, similar situations arise all of the time. As a result, it is a good idea to include some variables in your Google Adwords campaign, as this ensures that you do not over target your audience. By showing that you have similar, yet different, products available, you can effectively advertise to customers who have already made a purchase from someone else, or from you, but could still be looking for something similar.
Donny A. Sellers is a blogger and internet marketer who is learning about Google Adwords for advertising from www.perrymarshall.com.